티스토리 뷰

String.prototype.split(separator, limit)

    "85@@86@@53".split("@@"); //['85', '86', '53'];
    "bannana".split(); //["banana"];
    "원,투,쓰리".split(",",2); // ["원","투"]


배열을 스트링으로 변환 합니다.
    ["slugs","snails","puppy dog's tails"].join(' and '); //"slugs and snails and puppy dog's tails"
    ['Giants', 4, 'Rangers', 1].join(' '); //"Giants 4 Rangers 1"
    [1962,1989,2002,2010].join(); //"1962,1989,2002,2010"


정규 표현식을 사용하지 않고 문자열 대체 수행 예제

    String.prototype.replaceAll = function(find, replaceWith) {
        return this.split(find).join(replaceWith);

    "the man and the plan".replaceAll('the','a'); //"a man and a plan"


    String.prototype.repeat = function(times) {
        return new Array(times+1).join(this);

    "go ".repeat(3) + "Giants!"; //"go go go Giants!"

사용 패턴

var getDomain = function(url) {
    return url.split('/',3).join('/');


var beheadMembers = function(arr, removeStr) {
    var regex = RegExp("[,]?" + removeStr);
    return arr.join().split(regex).slice(1);

//make an array containing only the numeric portion of flight numbers
beheadMembers(["ba015","ba129","ba130"],"ba"); //["015","129","130"]

var beheadMembers = function(arr, removeStr) {
    var regex = RegExp("[,]?" + removeStr);
    var result = arr.join().split(regex);
    return result[0] && result || result.slice(1); //IE workaround

패턴 매치

var results = ['sunil','23:09','bob','22:09','carlos','mary','22:59'];
var badData = results.join(',').match(/[a-zA-Z]+,[a-zA-Z]+/);
badData; //["carlos,mary"]

//test 1 - using join/split
var arr = [], x = 1000;
while (x--) {arr.push("ba" + x);}

var beheadMembers = function(arr, regex) {
    return arr.join().split(regex).slice(1);

var regex = RegExp("[,]?" + 'ba');
var timer = +new Date, y = 1000;
while(y--) {beheadMembers(arr,regex);};
+new Date - timer;

//FF 3.6 733ms
//Ch 7   464ms
//Sa 5   701ms
//IE 8  1256ms

//test 2 - using native map function
var arr = [], x = 1000;
while (x--) {arr.push("ba" + x);}

var timer = +new Date, y = 1000;
while(y--) {
    arr.map(function(e) {
        return e.replace('ba','')
+new Date - timer;
//FF 3.6 2051ms
//Cr 7    732ms
//Sf 5   1520ms
//IE 8   (Not supported)

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